Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Any Takers?

I'm thinking (at the last minute of course) of organizing the First Annual Andrea Davis Birthday Ride. It would take place this Sunday at a yet to be determined location. I'm thinking either bike trail or dirt road in the country. If anyone bites on this, I'll have to figure out where to go, but it will probably be somewhere in the general Lansing/Jackson area, unless anyone has any better ideas.

My reason for organizing this ride is that, according to my training plan, I'm supposed to be doing three hours of riding at a low intensity on Sunday. Now it's already been determined that I am loathe to stay on the trainer that long, particularly after a whole week on the trainer. Last Sunday, as I mentioned, I rode outside and it was pretty much fine, but it would be much more bearable with a group than riding by myself. A smallish group would be fun, I think.

Besides, who wants to ride by themselves for three hours on their birthday.

P.S. No one will be expected to bring gifts; just your presence will be enough of a present.


Watcher said...

Andrea, I will be there with you in spirit- have a great ride and a wonderful birthday!

Here's something cool about your birthday- it's on the perihelion this year, the day when the Earth is closest to the Sun and moving the fastest in its orbit. So you will really be moving on your ride!


Jake said...

Andrea, I might be up for a ride Sunday. I am going out for a ride Saturday morning, but another one definitely won't hurt. Where are you thinking about riding?