Saturday, May 31, 2008
Race Anticipation
Our next mountain bike race is tomorrow at Hanson Hills. I'm really looking forward to it. I want to test my theory that I will actually be less cautious (scared) on my mountain bike now that the wedding is over. I'm also feeling pretty confident after pre-riding the course that I can give it everything I have without having it completely kick my butt. I also have a time in mind that I'm shooting for that no one knows but Chris. It may be a little ambitious for me, too. We'll see how it goes. I hope I am not setting myself up for disappointment.
I know I haven't been riding much because of the whole wedding/trip to Key West thing, but I'm hoping I have enough conditioning and determination to pull off a decent race. I'd like to make up some points in the CPS on those who won't be doing this race.
I'm also extremely stressed out because of work right now. I have some crap hanging over my head that I haven't been able to stop thinking about much and I'm looking forward to being able to put my energy into something else for a while.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Back in the Saddle
Thursday, May 22, 2008
I'm also third place in the Championship Point Series at this juncture. That's third out of seven. Of course, all the people who are behind me either only did one race or haven't done any. I am 13 points behind second and 22 points behind first. I'm hoping to close the gap a little next weekend.
I know I still never posted a race report for Fort Custer, and I really don't feel too much like doing it at this point. However, here is a short recap in bullet point form.
- I didn't crash at all.
- I finished with a time of 1:16:53. That was less time than I thought it would take me, but not good.
- Five people in the beginner class (which only did one lap) had slower times than me. Every one of them was under the age of 14.
- I was hanging in there early, but started to lose time when I started being way too cautious. I walked far too many things I ought to have ridden.
- I lost even more time when I stopped to help a little girl who couldn't have been more than 10 and had dropped her chain. For some reason, I couldn't help her get it back on. After wasting a bunch of time not helping, I ended up flagging down a guy who wasn't racing to help her. After her chain was back on, she passed me and beat me.
- I blame my overcautiousness on not wanting to injure or disfigure myself so close to the wedding. I'll figure out at Hanson Hills if that is really a legitimate excuse or if I actually haven't made any progress at all toward growing a pair.
- I still had fun.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Mr. and Mrs. Davis
Monday, May 12, 2008
Family Day
My dad was still sleeping when we returned, but Jeff (my bro) and Sebastian (my nephew) were awake, so we took Mom out for breakfast. Of course, I didn't take any pictures at breakfast except this one of Sebastian, so I guess that was kind of silly. Breakfast was one of the best meals I've had since I've been here. We went to Croissants de France. We ordered two different kinds of quiche and crepes and all shared with each other. After the meal, they brought us complimentary petit fors for Mother's Day. They mistakenly thought I was Sebastian's mom, but I didn't correct them. They brought one for Sebastian, too, even though he's not a mother because they didn't want him to feel left out. I think that's the first time I've ever eaten dessert with breakfast.
My first bright idea of the day was to walk to the Key West Eco Discovery Center with the family. It was a long walk and was in the mid-90s, broiling hot. Unfortunately, I forgot to check the hours, and it was closed on Sunday. (This photo was taken in front of a ship we passed on the way there.) Our backup plan was the aquarium and we walked through Truman Annex and played in the fountain on the way to cool off.
Chris and I barely saw each other yesterday. We spent most of our time entertaining other people and hanging out with our respective families.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Action Packed
We closed out the evening listening to Ben play at Guy Harvey's, which was a place we'd never been before. The bonus was they had televisions there and we got to watch the Wings beat up on the Stars and we didn't have to miss Ben's show to do it. My uncle and cousin (both Gregs) arrived in town later and joined us for a couple cocktails. More Key West fun tomorrow.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Good Times
Blog Interrupted
Chris updated his blog yesterday, and he used all the photos I was going to use, so you might as well just look at his.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Race Day—Waxing Philosophical
When you hear news like this from someone, you think about them and wish them the best, but I think inevitably your thoughts turn to making connections with your own life or finding disconnects. My disconnect comes when I put my life in perspective with his news. How can I be so upset about losing my keys, Chris not liking a song I picked out for the wedding, any of the little things every day that make me scream, cry and swear? Of course, none of us really knows what will happen to us tomorrow, but from my current vantage point, it looks like I have a bright future full of opportunity stretching out before me. I am getting married in nine days to someone I love who (conveniently) loves me back and our life is good.
That being said, I'm going to race today because I can and because, in the overall scheme of things I have nothing to worry about. And like everyone else who reads Fat Cyclist religiously, I will be hoping and praying for a miracle.
Of course, I may be able to influence my thoughts, but my stomach clearly has a mind of its own.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Interesting Choice

This course is about 2.5 miles shorter than the course for the last race. It's also supposed to be an easier, faster trail. The hills are significantly smaller and there's not that whole sand issue. That being said, I should feel at the same disadvantage, if not more of one, as I did before the last race. That's because:
- I haven't pre-ridden the course. I have ridden parts of it, but not for a couple of years.
- this trail really intimidates me. I had one of my worst crashes on it.
- it's a cross country race, which is a little different than the time trial I did at Yankee. It means that several people will be starting at the same time as me, as opposed to me starting on my own. Riding on a trail with a crowd of people is out of my comfort zone, since I'm always worried about being in someone else's way.
- I haven't ridden all week.
Oh, and here's the biggest reason I might be at a disadvantage.
I am racing in my second mountain bike race ever, three days before I leave for Key West to get married and a mere 9 days before my wedding.
I have so much left to do before we leave and believe it or not, I'm a little preoccupied. So, you would think I wouldn't have very high hopes. Instead, I have a pretty ambitious goal for my finishing time. I'm not going to reveal what this time is on my blog until after the race. The only one who knows at this point is Chris, and it's going to stay that way. After the race, I'll reveal my pre-race goal and indicate whether I made it or not.
At this point, there are four women (including me) in my age group. Online registration closes tonight, and there will no doubt be some onsite registrations, so it'll probably be about the same size group as the Yankee Springs race.
Random photo at the top is Chris and I in Key West (where else?). I thought I had too many rambling posts with no photos lately, so I decided to do a rambling post with a photo.